Worship is ONSITE and ONLINE each Sunday at 10:30 AM.
ONLINE Worship is available via Facebook LIVE.
Bible Study is ONSITE each week at 9:00 AM.
Click here for a direct link to FacebookClick here for information regarding onsite worship.
Church Welcome
We are glad that you have decided to check out our website and learn a little bit more about Hooker Memorial Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)! You can also always check out our Announcements link or our Facebook page for the most up to date information about when our events are happening. The absolute best way to get to know us is in person!
To tell you a little bit about us, we are first and foremost Disciples of Christ at HMCC. It is not just our denominational title but the entire focus of our faith. We as Disciples of Christ participate in Communion every Sunday and all are invited to partake of the Lord’s Supper if you believe in Jesus Christ. As Disciple’s we also practice Believer’s Baptism by immersion. At the core of our faith we try to live out what Jesus Christ tells us to do in the scriptures; it is as simple and as complicated as that. Let us be honest in accepting that even though we are Christians that does not make us perfect. It is out of our imperfections, however, that we come together in Worship and Bible Study and love one another as God loves us.
Our Worship Service is continually evolving. We are an intergenerational congregation and as such, we have a blended service style that asks us to, through music, liturgy, and prayer, on some Sunday’s honor our Church history and others to explore our Church future.
We are in an honest place right now. Striving to be the church that we say we are. We are not there yet, but know each of us are blessed to continually explore and seek God’s call on our hearts as a congregation. You are invited, welcomed, to come on a Sunday morning and really experience HMCC and all that we are doing as a Church!
Hooker Memorial Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)

Children Worship and Wonder

To be and share the good news of Jesus Christ
A Montessori influenced worship service for children ages 3-8
Coincides with the 10:30 a.m. worship service.
Click here for more information

Grow In Worship
Children in grades 4-6 learn about the foundations and practices of
our faith through story, prayer and song.
Coincides with the 10:30 a.m. worship service.
Click here for more information